Laryngoscope 106: 1226–1229.Do you ever experience discomfort or itching inside your ears or maybe you simply want to improve your hearing sensitivity? Then why not try ear coning, an ancient folk medicine practice, widely used for the treatment of blocked ears, that removes both wax and toxins from inside the ear canals? (1996) Ear candles – Efficacy and safety. If you have any questions on ear candling or wax removal, please don’t hesitate to call us at 61.

It is also important to tell your doctor if you are susceptible to infections or are on blood thinners.

Please let the professional who is cleaning your ears if you have a perforated eardrum, pressure equalizations tubes, or ear drainage. Typically, ENTs, physician’s assistants, audiologists, and primary care doctors are the best sources for wax removal. Not all doctors feel comfortable with the procedure so it is always a good idea to call the office you plan on visiting before going in. If you experience ear pain, pressure, decreased hearing, or if your ear feels plugged, you may need a medical professional to remove it. It can also push the wax deeper into the canal, which can cause temporary hearing loss and discomfort. Never use cotton swabs or other foreign objects, such as pen caps or bobby pins, to remove your own wax! This can cause a perforation of the eardrum, abrasion of the canal, and/ or an external ear infection. If you don’t accumulate a lot of wax you can simply take a damp wash cloth to clean the entrance of the canal. To help it along, a couple drops of mineral oil, DeBrox, sweet oil, etc. Ears are actually self-cleaning and most of the time, wax will work its way out gradually. The best way to remove ear wax is to have it done by a medical professional who has the tools and expertise to do so effectively. It is important to consult with your family doctor or ENT for proper treatment in order to prevent the infection from spreading. The warmth from ear candling may provide temporary relief from the pain and pressure of an ear infection, however, it does not treat the infection. The debris that is revealed after the ear candling process is from the candle and not the ear canal.Įar candling can cure an ear infection – FALSE In fact, it has been documented that candling does not actually remove ear wax, rather it deposits candle wax and ash into the canal 2. The claim that ear candling creates a vacuum within the ear canal has been debunked by medical studies 1. The tube is either filled with air in a healthy ear or fluid in an ear with Eustachian tube dysfunction.Įar candling is an effective way to remove wax from the ear canal – FALSE In addition, “ash” does not exist within the Eustachian tube. The vacuum effect of the ear candle cannot reach the Eustachian tube because the eardrum blocks the smoke from entering the middle ear space. The Eustachian tube is located in the middle ear space behind the eardrum and is responsible for equalizing air pressure.